About us

At Alpha JET Virtual, we understand the excitement and fascination of aviation. We have created a vibrant virtual environment that allows you to experience the joy of being part of a virtual airline, where the focus is on fun and friendship. We aim to become a friendly and supportive community.
Our mission is to offer comprehensive assistance and knowledge to help you get started with virtual flying and successfully complete flights on virtual networks. We provide the necessary resources and guidance to ensure that your virtual flying experience is both enjoyable and rewarding.
To simulate the authenticity of real-world aviation, our flight schedules are inspired by actual routes used by real airlines worldwide. Explore a variety of destinations, both domestic and international, while experiencing the challenges and rewards of passenger and cargo flights. Whether you prefer short hops or long-haul journeys, we offer a diverse range of flight options to cater to your preferences.
Join Alpha JET Virtual today and embark on a virtual aviation adventure. Our community of flight enthusiasts awaits, ready to share their knowledge and passion for aviation. Whether you're looking to improve your flying skills, connect with like-minded individuals, or simply enjoy the thrill of virtual flying, Alpha JET Virtual is here to make your experience unforgettable.